What foods increase the potency in men - the list of

Correct food for sexual power of men is not necessarily difficult in the preparation of dishes. Increase libido able to usual fruits and vegetables. It should not be forgotten that the benefits of the honey bee. The daily consumption in small amounts, especially in combination with other products, will increase the production of hormones, have a positive influence on sexual potency.


If you answer the question of what are are are the products that are useful for male potency, first you should mention about the fruit. To prevent sexual impotence, it is recommended to eat each day the bananas, which are called "the fruits of the passion and sensuality". Pair of yellow fruit a day helps to regain the tone of the agency, will be given to the load with the sexual energy. Bananas are classified as aphrodisiacs that increase the sexual power. The daily diet of the men must be supplemented with another of those fruits, such as:

The nuts for the power
  • oranges, lemons, contribute to the formulation of the hormone testosterone;
  • the apricots, which is easy to deal with reduction of libido;
  • the avocado, which is folic acid, which promotes a long erection.

Dairy products

Nutritionists recommend consuming fermented milk products for the lifting power. The Cream of cream, curd, cream, milk and cheese are excellent helpers in the fight against the sexual dysfunction in men. Due to the presence of amino acids benefits of oils benefits of essential oils and vitamins, goat milk has an impact on the libido of a man. This tool has been tested for centuries.

Stimulate your sexual energy and vegetables, such as garlic, carrot, turnip. Contribute to the circulation and rejuvenation of the body. The garlic works as a rejuvenator of the apple from the story: increases the power, invigorates. It is rich in its composition vegetable contains vitamins D, c, B, oils benefits of oils benefits of essential oils, helpful trace elements and unsaturated fatty acids.

It is known that the aphrodisiac reinforce and increase the libido. They relate the nuts and the products necessary for the increase of power, you have to include in the daily menu of every man. They control the power of the sexual activity, regulate the mechanisms of ejaculation, of erection, excitation. In total, 50 grams of nuts a day allow man to live a sexual life. Contribute to the improvement of the sexual activity:

  • nuts;
  • almonds;
  • cashews;
  • pistachios;
  • peanuts;
  • the hazelnuts.

The vegetable

They are especially useful for the improvement of the power of celery, spinach, cilantro and parsley. They are rich in vitamin c, b1, b2, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus. In parsley has apigenin, which inhibits the action of the female hormone estrogen, affecting adversely the sexual power. Celery is rich in zinc, and since this important trace mineral is responsible for the synthesis of testosterone, they can have a positive impact not only on erectile, but also on the reproductive function of men. The greens of the power the best of eating in the raw, because the heat treatment reduces the amount of useful substances.

No less important are the foods to increase sexual potency in men of animal origin. Exclusively to the vegetarian food does not give you enough energy. Dishes of fish and meat, must also be in the diet of the men. The saturation of the body of the nutrients it is necessary to distribute the time of day. Thus, to increase the libido in the breakfast, it is necessary to consume foods rich in carbohydrates.


The best seafood, able to increase libido, are considered to be the oysters. Molluscs are known to stimulate the effect on the male organ, since that is contained in the composition of the dopamine, a substance capable of raise the production of sex hormones. The most suitable for the men of the oyster, caught in the spring. Scientists have determined that at this time of year the concentration of zinc and amino acids of the shellfish is very high, since they are actively multiplying.

Nuts with honey

Quail eggs

In the protein of raw eggs, species of hunting of quail contains much more protein than hens ' eggs, so they are most useful for men of the body. The presence of interferon, to protect against the inflammation of the prostate, helps to increase sexual stamina and improve sexual desire. It is desirable to use raw quail eggs, as the omelette is already the product has been subjected to a heat treatment, so that it has lost much of its useful substances.

If you drink varied of the testes (in 3-4 months), the orgasm will be more crisp and bright, it will reduce the recovery period between sexual contacts. However, it should be remembered that it is allergenic product, so abusing them is not necessary. To avoid allergies, it is recommended to make drinks lemon juice (15 g), quail eggs (3 pieces), honey (15 g) of cognac (20 g) and mineral water (100 ml). This cocktail is useful to take to the power of 2 to 3 times per week for 3 months.

Eating shellfish and marine fish is recommended for a fast solution of sexual problems. Of all the varieties of dietitians distinguished:

  1. Mackerel. Contains easily digestible protein. The mackerel are concentrated, iodine, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. Regular inclusion of this fish in the diet ensures the improvement of the erectile function in men.
  2. Solla. It is famous not only for its exquisite taste, but fast, and the influence of the erection. The most useful is considered the sole, steamed. Salting and drying of fish lost half of its useful properties.
  3. The mussels. As oysters are rich in useful for the men the power of micronutrients. Thanks to its high content of protein and zinc, the consumption of shellfish facilitates an erection, to the improvement of the quality of the sperm.

To increase the production of testosterone works the tincture of ginseng. Cooking is not difficult. Cut the root, then add the vodka or alcohol (1:20). Then, place the mixture in a dark place and let sit for 2 weeks. After, shall, in the period of a month before you eat, drink 25 drops of infusion. The drink will not only help to increase the amount of sperm, but it also normalizes the psychological state, which is also important for the health of men.

The erection is a complex process of agency, in which participate the different systems:

  • nervous
  • hormone;
  • cardiovascular;
  • sexual.

Only when the correct functioning of each one of them occurs the filling of the penis with blood, which allows you to acquire the hardness necessary to perform frictions that lead to ejaculation and orgasm.

Principles of nutrition are simple, you only must suit your body and lifestyle. Products the erection must be fresh and of the highest quality and natural.

If there is possibility to buy vegetables, the meat, the milk of the farmers and the store is not good. Multiple frost kills vitamins, simple, and fresh herring has more nutritional value than honey red fish, six months lying in the freezer. In addition:

Products to improve erectile function
  1. You can't skip breakfast or replace it in an empty tin of coffee. In the morning it is good to eat the pureed fruit, oatmeal, in the extreme case of the rescue of the hard-boiled egg and a piece of bread with a thin layer of oil.
  2. The feeding must be regular, 3-5 times a day. So, it will help you not to go down for the night, all that is in the refrigerator.
  3. Should you drink it. Purified water in the amount of 1-1,5 liters to speed up the metabolism. Milk, juice, tea, food beverage.
  4. The less processed the product before it fell into the hands of the consumer, the more useful. Sweet porridge over, has nothing of medicinal properties with a simple "hercules", which requires cooking.
  5. The caloric value of the diet should be formed on the basis of a style of life. If the office suite employee fairly 1200-1500 calories, the builder or an employee in this diet wouldn't live long.
  6. It is desirable to take on the job of the containers with food or find near a nice cafeteria, where the lunch can be enjoyed as a first dish, meat, fish or salad. Empanadas and dumplings is not the best option.
  7. There is to give up the food waste, mayonnaise, sausages, soda, sweet drinks, sausages, burgers, bread. These products are rich in fats, spices, flavours typical of the land. Regular eating these gastronomic magna causes the allergy, excess weight, load, pancreas, the liver.
  8. It is useful to carry a small bag of nuts, raisins, or other dried fruits. This will allow you to grow to grow to satisfy the sudden hunger, without harm to the organism.

Popular recipes to increase sexual potency in men


The best products to increase sexual potency, dwell in the sea. And there at the table falling excellent aphrodisiacs, which include shrimp, crabs, mussels, squid, which promote the regeneration of sperm and increased power. This is explained by the high content in these products, the selenium and the zinc.

  • Oysters been demonstrated as a stimulating male sexual system and listed in the list of aphrodisiacs. Its influence upon the sexual potency due to a high content of rare but important amino acid, as well as zinc, all of this enables the generation of the male hormone testosterone and increases the amount that the shape of the sperm. In addition, the oysters present dopamine, which contributes to an increase of the power. The greatest impact can be achieved by eating raw oysters, as any heat treatment reduces considerably the proportion of the biologically active substances.

Scientists have discovered that these amino acids and zinc, more in the body of the mollusks of the spring in the period of the breeding activity. Therefore, to raise the power is the best of all oysters caught in the spring.

  • It is not very common in our latitudes, but very useful products for sexual power of men is the meat of sharks and rays. In her special and stimulants that increase libido of a man, that they appreciate the chinese.
  • The fish. They are especially useful for the male potency of some species of fish. For example, the sole, that in order to achieve an erection best to use in any, in addition to the grill, as. It is also useful cooked mackerel, contains phosphorus, and the male hormones, thanks to which increases the libido.
  • The mussels. This food is also essential to improve the sexual potency in men, as the mussels have positive properties: they increase the content in blood of male hormones, the volume of the seed, contain important for the health of the men element zinc.
Goat milk

Quite useful they are and vegetables, and can be added to the same fish and seafood as a side dish or use as a main dish. These are the most effective species for this purpose:

  • col;
  • all varieties of onion;
  • salad;
  • the beet;
  • radishes;
  • the celery;
  • pepper;
  • garlic;
  • asparagus.

Give body to these vitamins that are necessary especially for the hormonal regulation, the strengthening of the power. If you enrich the daily diet of the men showing raw vegetables, and heat treatment way to strengthen not only their gender, function, and health in general.

The chocolate

Qualitatively, dark chocolate there are a lot of theobromine alkaloid (similar to caffeine) and phenylethylamine, an effect that increases libido and causes a sensation of love. The antioxidants present in the chocolate, improves mood and the mood, creating a favorable background for the normal functioning of the penis.

It is only the dark varieties of chocolate, in which there are not less than 65% cocoa, and consumption in small doses. Milk "chocolate" is totally useless, as fillers, in addition to nuts.

Liquid chocolate or cocoa can also have a positive influence on sexual potency. But this way the increase of the power is not for men with problems of pressure, a sick liver or the pancreas.

If you ask, what foods are good for the sexual potency of men a day, the consumption, the answer is clear – nuts. A large amount of vitamins A and E, magnesium, and zinc, which is beneficial to the state of the sexual system. Here also you would have to add the arginine, which the body produces necessary for the full enjoyment of the erection of oxide of nitrogen.

For the strengthening of the power in the daily diet should add nuts different:

  • almonds;
  • the hazelnuts;
  • wood;
  • cashews.

The duo of dates with almonds not only increases power but also increases the number and quality of ejaculation, enabling you to lengthen the duration of intercourse due to their high sugar content in the fruits.

Quail eggs

For those men, who have problems with impotence, quail eggs are a product. If you take them every day, the sexual attraction is stronger, and in a relatively short time span of time, the man can reach multiple orgasms.

In the small quail testis contains 3 times more substances (iron, phosphorus, potassium), increase the power, which in a large chicken egg, in addition to here are not harmful to the cardiovascular system cholesterol. In addition, quail eggs are able to show your body of radioactive elements, enhance immunity, increase hemoglobin level, normalizing the blood pressure, in many of them involved in the activities of the sexual system of amino acids. These eggs can you drink raw 4 to 5 pieces a day, not for fear of catching salmonella and other diseases.

But there are contraindications similar to therapy, that does nothing to men who have problems of assimilation of proteins, diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Berries and fruits

This is also known products to enhance sexual potency in men. This applies especially to the raspberry, strawberry, mango, banana, grapes and many other fruits. Fresh or dried, these gifts of nature, which enhance the sexual stamina and increases libido.

Daily inclusion of nuts in the diet is able to increase the power of the

In citrus fruits contain aphrodisiacs, well-known as potent stimulators of potency, increase libido of a man.

Pomegranates contain antioxidants that prevent the appearance of cancer, in particular prostate cancer. Through this they increase the power nearly as viagra. If drinking a daily glass of pomegranate juice, the body will rejuvenate, and the power of men to grow. It is No coincidence that in the east before the intercourse of the men ate a handful of grenades from the beans.

And, behold, the fig is not only a product to improve the erectile function of the male power, but the beneficial effect on the kidneys, the heart and the liver.

Ragweed also has an influence on the organism. She represents the pollen of the plants, that is to say, the sexual men of the cell, it is processed in the body of the bees. In perga high content of proteins that need the men for the maintenance of the sex drive. High power you need a large amount of energy, which is also a lot in the pollen are carbohydrates (glucose, fructose), which are rapidly absorbed by the body with a national liberation national energy.

Therefore, the pollen can make the products for the sexual power in men of quick action, leading to a sudden development of the body of the testosterone. It also reinforces the work in the cardiovascular system, which provides a better blood flow into the penis and strengthening the erection. That is to say, the ambrosia of a comprehensive cure male impotence.

To increase power, enough to eat each day about 10 g of pollen, and in the case of impotence dose should be increased to the pre-consultation with the doctor. You must choose a good fresh pollen for the treatment, the better with the companies bee – only in this case, its effect will be remarkable.

It is known that some of the drinks in addition to the replenishment of the level of fluid in the body, and a refreshing effect are able to improve sexual function in men. What foods increase the potency in men? These include certain fresh squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, ginger tea and Mare. If you consume these drinks regularly, it can count not only on the solution of the problems of erection, but also to provide a total of strengthen your body.

The fresh fruit juice


If it is considered, what foods are good for male potency to the greatest extent possible, then, it is worth mentioning that the pomegranate juice, the activation of the circulation of the blood and stimulates the supply of oxygen to the pelvis. Contained therein the nitrogen compounds to relieve the spasm of the blood vessels. The benefits are trace elements, and vitamins, which is so rich pomegranate juice.


The gourd also refers to products beneficial affect to the masculine force, so that the juice of pumpkin is very useful in the solution of these problems. Your use of the of the consists in the existence in the pumpkin of zinc, and this very important trace mineral for male sexual performance of the system.


Products to increase sexual power in men has fallen, and the juice of the watermelon, that it is not even necessary to squeeze enough parisian parisian to eat with a few slices of this watery berry. In the watermelon juice contains a large amount of amino acid citrulline, which the human body is converted into arginine, which contributes to the enlargement of the spaces of the blood vessels, improve circulation, and this is the key to a powerful erection.

  1. Branches of pine. Place the finely chopped onion fresh sprigs in a saucepan of medium size. Pour the water from the tap, put in the kitchen and turn on low heat. When the contents of the vessel romp to a boil, control of a quarter of an hour, remove the plate and leave to a boil over 14-15 hours. The extract must acquire a brown color. It is used for bathing in the proportion of 1 to 40. The tool should be add in the hot water and to say no less than an hour. Useful of the elements contained in the composition of the branches of a pine, will spread in the skin and, therefore, improve the male potency.
  2. The healing flower of the dye. In case of regular use, this tool will help to increase the sexual power. To prepare, mix in cubes of 1-2 litres of flowers of immortelle to the beach in the sand and marigold, crushed valerian root, and the dried herb st. john's wort, in a ratio of 2:1:3:3. The collection, pour the boiling water. Immediately cool up and take two dessert spoons before meals.
  3. The stinging nettle with the wine. Pour the 25 grams of seeds of three glasses of red wine choice. Leave in a cool dark place in 7-8 days. Before each meal drink 20 to 25 ml of the tincture.

Popular recipes to increase sexual potency in men

Goat milk reveals not only the satiety in man after a hard day of work, but also the possibility of prolonging the sexual act, regardless of their state of fatigue. Sex therapists recommend drinking a glass of this milk before dinner and for the night, omen sex.

Milk contains sufficient amount of vitamins A, b, c, and E, have a positive effect on the health and sexual desire. The regular consumption of goat milk can lead to normal sexual violation, improve erection, prevent the impotence.

It is recommended to consume at least one glass of milk a day to maintain the masculine strength and endurance. Can be combined with crushed nuts,which improves the effect in dozens of times.

  • The nut — it May be said with safety, that is the most useful nut all the existing ones. Contains an incredible amount of vitamins A, b, c, E, k and minerals benefits of oils benefits of essential oils. A large amount of zinc is able to increase the levels of testosterone, the hormone that enhances the sexual power. The best recipe of walnuts with honey. The honey enhances the effect of the components, complementing its. Doctors recommend men to consume the nut of all days, not less than ten units;
  • Almonds — so madly is required of man for the maintenance of health. It contains large amount of vitamin A, and these components benefits of oils benefits of essential oils, such as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium. The uniqueness of the almond in arginine — special amino acid, improves the circulation of the blood, which affects the power;
  • Fish and fish dishes is an important part of men's diet
  • Pistachios — these eastern walnuts are not in vain they are so popular and have the status of an aphrodisiac. The fact that they included square plaza on four important topics for men's health: zinc, folic acid, arginine and unsaturated fats. The cido flico improves the quality of sperm, while unsaturated fats "kill" cholesterol levels. The recommended dose of pistachios per day — up to 100 grams;
  • Pine is not a common product, but very useful. The content of vitamins and minerals that surpasses all expectations. The regular consumption of cedar in the food warrants the increase of the power and quality of the prevention of the impotence;
  • The salt is sodium, and the excess affect "of men to force." The food should spoil a bit of salt to get the flavor, but not overdo it;
  • The sugar is not always glucose, which is necessary to ensure the energy of the body. The sugar found in the modern fast food reduces libido;
  • Fast food — do not have any type of useful substances and full of fats, carbohydrates, sugar. Frequency of consumption of fast food, leads to the concentration on the male body female hormone estrogen, and in the consequence, and decreased libido;
  • Soda and drinks with excess sugar damages the health;
  • Soy contains too much female hormone, the male body;
  • Caffeine is a substance capable of killing the testosterone molecule;
  • The alcohol inhibits the libido and the activity of the sperm.

Before using any of the methods of traditional medicine should consult with your doctor.

Of what's worth the stop

Power increases not only the presence in the diet of the right foods, but the refusal of the bad. It is recommended not to include in the menu of products, impacting negatively on the health of men:

  • fatty types of meat;
  • canned fish;
  • butter, margarine;
  • liver pate;
  • fatty varieties of cheese;
  • sausages;
  • sausages;
  • cakes;
  • sugar-sweetened soft drinks;
  • fast-food;
  • caffeine;
  • the consumption of alcohol.

Of Fish for the power. The useful components contained in the fish

Recommended drinks to the health of men:

  • The black coffee.
  • The green tea.
  • Fruit drinks from the berries.
  • The juice of orange.
  • Juices of vegetables.
  • The decoction of rosehip seed oil.

Drinks, especially coffee, which can be complemented with spices, cardamom, thyme, clove, black pepper. Are natural analogues of Viagra, extend, and contribute to the strengthening of the erectile function, stimulate the sexual desire.

Of special importance in the prevention and treatment of impotence is the cooking of rosa mosqueta. It is rich in vitamin c, are immunostimulatory, and a strong antioxidant. Drink the tool to two times a week:

  1. For the preparation it is necessary a tablespoon of fruit pour a glass of boiling water;
  2. Bake for 10 minutes;
  3. Then, by covering with the lid and wait until the broth cools down.
  4. Consume during the day.

The fish — nutritious and healthy product with multiple micronutrients and vitamins. For the good health of men, doctors recommend regularly include fish in the diet.

Not of oily fish contains:

  • vitamins A, D and E;
  • fatty acids;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • Oysters are rich in zinc
  • iodine;
  • of iron;
  • calcium;
  • the phosphorus;
  • the magnesium.

Of all the varieties can be distinguished, such as:

  • The mackerel — which has a protein that is very easy to digest. In it there are some important minerals such as iodine, magnesium, calcium, and fluorine. Regular inclusion of mackerel in the diet ensures an increase in libido (sex drive) and improve erectile functions;
  • Pink — this fish is rich in zinc, sodium, and chromium. The consumption of pink salmon is capable of covering the absent body amount of vitamins;
  • Tuna is rich in vitamins. Contains the entire group of vitamin A, has vitamin A and pp. The quality of the meat of tuna, full of omega-3 fats are the regulators of metabolism in the body. The tuna not only is able to increase the power, but also the rescue of the inflammatory diseases of the nervous system during regular use;
  • Pollack is rich in trace elements, necessary for the male of the force". In it a large amount of iodine, cobalt, potassium and phosphorus. If you regularly use haddock, you can increase your sexual desire and get rid of the problems of the impotence;
  • The cod is a rare product ,but it has many useful substances. In it there is a supplement of vitamin b12, c and. the Content of zinc is very large.